
BodyBoss 2.0: 1st Home Gym You Can Take Anywhere

Created by BodyBoss Portable Gym

Simulate thousands of dollars worth of gym equipment in one concept. Pair it with app for workouts!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Wed Aug 16 '17 Announcement
over 7 years ago – Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 07:27:03 AM


The BodyBoss Team has been working hard to increase the workouts we offer each week and make sure you can get the live trainer support in real time so you can follow full length workouts as conveniently as possible! As you know, we’ve been trying to stay as consistent as possible, and we hope you appreciate our efforts as we do our best for you. With that in mind, we wanted to share 5 tips to make your workout successful:

Plan to workout live: We know that not everyone’s schedule will coincide with a live workout time, but do your best to catch at least one live workout a week! There is something special about joining in at the same time other bosses around the country - and around the word - are also getting their sweat on. You can join in on the chat board and even get answers to your workout questions live!

P.S. Follow us on Facebook for live workout reminders!

Stay Hydrated: Don’t just just drink water during or after your workout, but drink up all day long! If you’re not hydrated, your body just can’t perform at it’s highest level. Staying hydrated will help your body to regulate temperature and replace fluid lost from sweating.

Warm Up: If you’re in a rush, it’s easy to want to skip those first few minutes of a workout and want to jump right in to using your BodyBoss. Resist skipping that warm up! Those few minutes of warm up do so much for your Body and prepare you for the intensity that’s coming -  increasing your blood flow, heart rate, and circulation while loosening your muscles and joints - all preventing an injury.

Check Your Form: If you’ve been joining in with any of Dina’s recent live workouts, you’ve been getting lots of form tips on some of our most popular exercise movements! Ensuring you are using the correct form and placement, means you are getting the most out of each movement. Place a mirror nearby your workout area, and check your form from time to time to be sure you’re staying on point.

Push Yourself: We are all starting at our own fitness level - whether you’d consider yourself a beginner or an advanced user, make sure you push yourself during your workout. Adjust the bands to the anchor points that are right for you, and then go a little further than you thought you could! If you’ve been with us for a while, add an extra set of bands or shorten your bands to add additional resistance and get that much more of a workout!

Get moving today by catching a replay of one of our recent workouts here!


Fri Aug 11 '17 Announcement
over 7 years ago – Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 05:45:34 PM

Hey Bosses,

Hope everyone had a great week!  We've got a bunch of awesome new workouts for you lately.  Hopefully you've been able to join some of the live sessions!  We just did a live workout today for a lower body burn.

If you weren't able to catch the workout live, you can watch the replay by clicking here. 

We recognize the importance of having a fresh mix of new workouts.  It helps not only by mixing things up and putting your body through new challenges, but also by having an accountability component to help you reach your goals.

It's pretty incredible to think about training with over 10,000 people across the globe in 60 different countries!

Wherever you are at in your fitness journey, we are here to support you every step of the way.

Have any workout requests you'd like to see?  Please let us know!  These workouts are designed with you in mind.  Keep training hard everyone 

Tue Aug 8 '17 Announcement
over 7 years ago – Tue, Aug 08, 2017 at 01:22:39 PM

Hey, Bosses! We have so many new members of our Boss community, that we wanted to share a quick timeline on what you can expect after you support our campaign.


We love our Indiegogo community, and want to make sure you know exactly what's coming next! For everyone who already has their BodyBoss 2.0, did you catch Dina's Upper Body Blast? Check it out here if you missed it! 



Catch tonight's 30 minute live session tonight! There's no excuse not get in 30 minutes of hard work today! Subscribe to be reminded before the workout begins. Let's kill it this week! More workout sessions coming soon...

Take a minute to check out these creative ideas that we love:

Musvalk. A fierce, yet small and elegant cutting tool.

Musvalk - A little knife made from materials found in 
spacecrafts: advanced ceramics, titanium and carbon fiber. CLICK HERE!


Minimalist Luxury Wood Watches Guaranteed to get Compliments

Eye-catching, high-quality timepieces that spark conversation. Built by hand, curated by our Customer Design Team and due to arrive just in time for Christmas! CLICK HERE!



Fri Aug 4 '17 Announcement
over 7 years ago – Fri, Aug 04, 2017 at 07:16:44 PM


We are so excited to announce we have a new trainer! In our teams efforts to bring the most convenient gym ever seen to market, we have been running exclusive trainer led workouts for free for our backers! At times we have had over 50 people tuned in! Not many gyms can even say they get that type of attendance. 

Now it's time to take this to the next level. We are so proud to announce our newest addition, Dina! Tomorrow morning at 10am Dina will be live, it's like tuning in to watch Tv! Whether you want to just watch or even stand on your BodyBoss & do the workout with her you will be able to make Dina's day! She wanted us to relay a message to you:


It's so easy to watch right from your phone or computer!! Click here & you will receive an email/app notification tomorrow morning before my live stream! I am so excited BodyBoss let me be a part of this! 

Click Here And Hit Subscribe - 10:00am Meet Dina

See you tomorrow to start your Saturday off right! The Best Saturdays in fitness continue! 

BodyBoss.TV/ClubBodyBoss is continued to be worked on! In efforts to welcome Dina we will just be running the live stream tomorrow via Kickstarter Live! 

Have a great weekend bosses!


The BodyBoss Team

Wed Aug 2 '17 Announcement
over 7 years ago – Wed, Aug 02, 2017 at 02:21:37 PM

Hey Bosses, 

Our entire team continues to be blown away by the amount of support from the Indiegogo & Kickstarter Communities.

  • We started this journey 3 years ago with one mission: to bring the gym to you in a convenient and affordable way. 
  • It has been a tough road to get here but we couldn't be more proud to say the BodyBoss 2.0 has surpassed $1,155,000 in pre-orders! 

Because of this we have decided to add bonuses for you, think of it as a thank you! 

Our goal is to be different. To Create the most unique fitness company ever! Absolutely, revolutionize this industry! But, in order to do that we need each of you with us! Let's become the #1 company that makes fitness the most convenient, lifelong & available it has ever been. Here's some of the things that make BodyBoss 2.0 unique: 

  • Product that can literally do any exercise you can think of 
  • We have running the start up program via Kickstarter live 
  • We will be releasing our Web App this month to you that has a start up program, workouts, workout tracking, live training, replays & more! 
  • We have been running Free Live Trainer Support workouts every single Tuesday & Saturday for nearly 4 months now! You can watch the replay as well or even ask real-time questions. Everyone who goes love it!
  • We send out updates every single week at the beginning & end of the week! 

And now because of your feedback.. it's time we release more.. Let's make this the BodyBoss 2.0 takeover! 

  • In the past, when BodyBoss broke thresholds, we gave away as much as we could to you, these are called stretch goals - when the company wins, you win as an early buyer! Check the bonuses out: 

What should you do to make this a story for the ages? 

It's simple... you easily share the link of this BodyBoss 2.0 Indiegogo page below to your Facebook Feed (the Button is on this email below) & in return you get awesome rewards! The more shares equals more awareness, which means the quicker we get you the bonuses! 

We need this for our new Workout Bit - BlueTooth Tracking Device, On-The-Go Workout App, Downloadable Content While Traveling, Professional Workout Programs & more that we will announce to you at $1,175,000! 

We want to thank you all for helping us reach our goals. Now allow us to help you reach yours. Please share this link if you think there is somebody out there who would enjoy a healthier, happier active lifestyle. 


The BodyBoss Team

PS- As always BOSS, be on the lookout for our next update!